Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2 days and we get Nancy (#3623)

     Thursday morning is going to be like when I was young boy at Christmas. I will be ready to jump out of bed and turn on C-Span in order to watch we democrats take the gavel of the Speakers Chair in our House of Representatives. I have said this numerous times in the past that I haven't watched our House proceedings on C-Span since the election day of 2010. It is not healthy for me to watch the corruption of republican politics and what it does to every good, great and decent fiber of my existence. So all I had was C-Span2 for the next 4 years until that also went to the republicans on that election day. So my not having watched any C-Span for the last 8 years is coming to and end in 2 days.
     If anything I am a principled, disciplined liberal with still more forgiveness in my soul for all people than any republican has ever felt for anything but themselves. Their conqueror mentality is colonial in nature and their paternal outlook on life is a mental deficiency that should never again see the role of rule in our mighty democratic society. This coming Thursday is truly going to be epic for me and I cannot fathom anything much more sweet this year than possibly a removal of the whole of the trump appointed administration. In lieu of that hoped for outcome I am still in high spirits for the handover of the gavel to our champion leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi.
     This critical juncture in time for us is perfectly aligning with Nancy being our leader to then passing on the torch of leadership in some soon to be future time. Much like what the elder statesman Jerry Brown did for us in his last tenure as our governor here in California, Nancy will steadily guide us toward our liberal/progressive goals. Her outlook is progressive with caution, much like what Jerry championed but make no mistake, Nancy is as laser focused on turning us around from the harsh austerity for the working middle class and the privilege and advantage of the wealthy as Jerry was. She will, with a determination trump only wishes he could pull off, force the trumps to feel the pain of the wrath of the American electorate with a sentinel purpose of exacting a cost for the republican condescension and belligerence of the honorable will of the American people.

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