Sunday, January 20, 2019

trump is going down! (#3642)

     From what I saw yesterday at the Women's March and from the rest of our nation, trump doesn't have much longer because the anger coming from our citizenry is real and palpable. Yesterday trump tried to upstage our women's marches by announcing some kind of press conference in order to negotiate through the press with Nancy Pelosi about his wall funding. Well all he did was offer much the same trade that Nancy had already refused so his big announcement was nothing more than trying to steal some limelight from the women's march. How foolish of him because now we all know him well enough to see through his petty antics.
     So as the federal shutdown continues trump is falling further behind in his disapproval/approval ratings. He originally made claim to owning the shutdown and now he is trying to shift the blame to democrats. Well again, enough of our voting public sees through his denials and he is now paying a heavier price for causing our federal workers to have no pay while he insists that many of them keep working for no pay. How much longer can he get away with this is harder to judge since mcconnell, the republican Senate majority leader, is afraid to go against anything trump tells him to do. It must be noted that there does seem to be a connection between trump, Russia and mcconnell. So whatever the reason the Senate does not appear at the moment to be able to function as an independent branch from trump under mcconnell's thumb.
     So the stalemate continues but with one difference, trump is getting more and more of the blame and republicans by extension in their support of trump to keep the government closed. Taking hostage has never been a real good career decision but it appears that republicans and trump have decided that being of a felonious criminal mindset fulfills their desires more than their constitutional obligations to the American people. As trump continues to fall behind in the confidence we Americans place in our elected, although in trumps case appointed public leaders, his stand to keep government closed is coming to a head and his head will be the one that rolls. trump is going down and the only ones who don't know the inevitability of it are trump and his accomplices.

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