Tuesday, January 15, 2019

We know trump is a liar... (#3637)

   ...so why would we ever believe anything he says? Just because he is the appointed president doesn't make him honest or to be given the benefit of the doubt. He lies like it is a second nature to him although in his case it may be a first nature. So when I continue to see reporting about him and his comments taken as truths I cringe in that the reporting is not doing enough to validate or verify his actions and/or claims. No wonder our nation is conflicted within itself. We don't value truth getting or facts as the ultimate goal. We instead lean toward promoting bombastic and sensational rhetoric because of some more nefarious ulterior motives and the capitalistic edge it provides.
     I had assumed that logic and common sense would prevail over the fantastical and theatric but it appears that I have been overly optimistic. The lure of the irrational carnival barker is stronger than the principle of rationalization. Our "fast food" society has infiltrated even the halls of the once intellectual. If it is easily attained then why not regardless of the cost of the ease? Our drive through mentality wants what it wants now without having to tax our minds with objectivity. Surely too many of us think that thinking is not a value when any shortcut to the goal is available. The same sort of mindset used in capitalistic ventures has overflown into the shrinking noble paradigms of logic and reasoning, analysis and conclusion.
     So trump being a liar is just an extension of our wanting everything now generations so if anything he is exalted for it. Getting away in life without having to be wise or honorably responsible seems to be the goal of too many who are like trump and keep supporting him. Last night's portrayal of trump serving fast food on the White House menu to the college football team is just another example of how far down the rabbit hole trump has fallen in that he took great pride in his gesture. Like what he did was masterful and commanding. I reckon about 40% our of voting public agree with him and are of the same identifiers as he in the whatever it takes to do what can be done and be damned anything like consequences get in the way.

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