Tuesday, January 8, 2019

trump appears to be all in on the wall money (#3630)

     So it would seem that trump has put all his effort into keeping our government shut by the looks of it as of yesterday. But one thing I know about trump now is that he is all bluff and I expect the same here with the government shutdown. He is doing his last bit of posturing before he folds but have no doubt he is going down in flames. There is no turning back now for Congress and if anything the pressure on the snake mitch mcconnell is intensifying. That mitch says that he is not involved in this is not going to play well when he is in the exact middle of it.
     Like I said yesterday, the senators and representatives can override any veto trump may sign. Getting the legislation to be voted on in the senate has ways around mcconnell as well. Although I suspect that mcconnell will have to choose between his own successful reelection this coming 2020 and an unsuccessful one if he backs trump past the calculated time for ending this republican debacle. Even though trump is acting out in an aggressive way to bully his demand be met, the chances of that happening are already heavily against him. We democrats have said no to his wall money and there is no going back on our commitment.
     So trump will do his nationally televised carnival barking with as few truths and as many lies as he can to help persuade our American electorate that the wall is in his mind imperative. He may even threaten our populace with punishments if we don't help him break the democratic commitment against him. This is what trump does, he bullies and threatens anyone and everyone who doesn't kowtow to him. Yet we won't kowtow and instead we will continue to expose all his lies and his verbal brutality as it is unvarnished. The trump fever is strong and if we are to break it we must keep to our convictions while forcing him to face the effects of his actions and words!

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