Wednesday, May 1, 2019

552 days until the next election (#3743)

     At the beginning of each new month's arrival I will post how many days are left until the voting is counted against trump. For it will be counted against trump like in no other election in the last 50 years. The reason why is that trump hates everyone who is in the largest voting block. Now there will be those who love to be hated and they will vote for trump but the many who don't love to be hated on will vote against him and that is why we will have the greatest blue wave election in our lifetimes. The trump factor plays out nicely for us because the man is not only stubborn in showing his lack of remorse for the suffering and anguish he causes us but he often doubles down on it.
     It is like he lives in an alternate universe from the rest of us. Be whatever that may be the cost for his messing with us is coming due and although it may seem like a long time off into the future it is not and will be here sooner than he and his acolytes can manipulate. The writing is on the wall and trump is about to learn that he was never welcome in the halls of our government. Remember, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes but due to the archaic patriarchal nature of the electoral college was appointed to the presidency nonetheless. The many of us learned a hard lesson that 8th day in November 2016 and we will not be caught out unawares again.
     All throughout trumps appointed presidency his approval numbers have been deeply underwater with the many of us and nothing will change that dynamic going into his last days as our appointed president. Like in 2018 when we democrats flipped the House and held our own in the Senate only losing 2 seats in a Senate election heavily favoring republicans. This next cycle of voting however heavily favors democrats in the Senate and I expect that we democrats will retake that body of government and either hold or increase our majority in the House. Needless to say we will win the presidency and this time with a greater advantage in overall votes that will never again allow the electoral college the opportunity to fail in its one single purpose of protecting our democracy.

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