Saturday, May 11, 2019

trump's upside down democracy (#3753)

     It seems like every single day trump is convinced by his twisted thinkers that our democracy should implode in every possible way. There is no doubt among us who hold contempt for trump that he is on a mission to become America's first king. The only person our nation ever asked if he would be our king, George Washington, turned it down because he knew democracy cannot exist while being ruled by a monarchy. Yet trump has no idea about that since his IQ is somewhere far below the average American citizen. That must hurt trump's ego since unfortunately the average American citizen's IQ is not very high. Regardless of trump's inability to rationalize at a decent level he still thinks along with his minions that he is smarter and wiser than all others.
     Meanwhile every single day we fight against the onslaught of trump and his incredibly ridiculous policies unless of course you see his policies as a movement toward something. I know I do! He wants to be king and anything that helps him along to consolidate power over the rest of us is now his priority. His relentless drive to rule over all is insane to begin with but even more it is psychotic. how anyone could find it within themselves to want to demand that all kneel to him in this day and age is certainly an example of his internal hysteria. We who will never kneel before a trump nor anyone else are the backbone to the opposition of trumps and all that they stand for.
     trump will never be our king and if he is lucky he may survive beyond the end of his appointed presidency. There is only so much assault on our democracy that we individuals can take and somewhere somehow a person or persons will find that enough is enough. That is the nature of individualism. None of us has a clear set of boundaries we won't cross if the threat to our honorable idealism is actualized. I am not advocating anything here but I am stating a warning that when you take and take from those who have little but hold precious they will find it within themselves to stop the taking from them. Human nature is fallible and although our lives are fragile they are not without strong conviction. Beware those who would demean the many while living like a fool!

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