Friday, May 3, 2019

trumps downfall will come from his arrogance (#3745)

     The path forward is clear, resist the conman criminal at every turn. As we democrats make our stands against all of his threats we advertently bring his ego into play. He is one who when he is incorrect, which is most of the time, must have his way. So when he doesn't get his way or we make it clear that he will never get his way, we are doing ourselves a favor. Because trump, like all stages of egomaniac, must have his respect and when it doesn't come he lashes out in order to punish those who will not bow to him. Well let him lash out now because we have the majority in the House and with that can limit his anger at us to a smaller degree.
     As each time he comes across as belligerent with us he continues the avalanche of disapproval against himself. He doesn't care about how we feel about him when he is being thwarted he just wants his petty revenges. Which is not a good strategy to win the hearts and minds of the voters he will need to even have a chance of being appointed to a second term. So let us keep up the good fight against him as we get closer and closer to the national election window. His unpopularity already is well above 50% and keeping him in his ego bubble will only increase that. He has no intention of backing down from his anti-democratic stance and we have no intention of letting him get away with it.
     So as the trump arrogance ratchets up the better we are for it come election day. His ego is beyond self reflective remorse so there is only the punishing path forward for him. Each day I wake up and realize that first I am still alive from his ruthless naivete, and second that we are one more day closer to his end. However it may be through expiration or retirement beforehand, election day will be his last days in office. He is making that as clear as possible since he has not changed from his mental unawareness. This horrible chapter in the history of our formidable nation will soon be over and the world will again be able to breathe deeply and sleep at night without despair.

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