Saturday, May 4, 2019

Leave no stone unturned (#3746)

     When it comes to dealing with republicans there cannot be any measure of reluctance to take them on. They will only try take as much as they can and more if we don't stop them. We cannot give them an inch or before we know it it will be a mile they have acquired. The desperation of the republican party is evident and their standard bearer is prepared to subvert our Constitution in order to remain in power. If you are not convinced of this then you need to wake up and pay attention. It isn't just my idea of democracy that is under assault it is our nation's. So get yourself in order to be a protector of our society and become as relentless as I and others in keeping our government from becoming authoritarian.
     Surely if trump had his way he would install himself as king and then rule like a ruthless monarch. It is his style to be king and he doesn't care who or what gets in his way. So we democrats are left with whatever we have that is legally available to us to stop the misdeeds of trumps and their surrogates now. If we don't then life in our world here in America is going to change from equality of opportunity to only advantage and privilege. Where those who worship at the altar of the king trump can make something of themselves here in America. The rest of us will be forced to kneel to trump or be ended in some pitiful fashion.
     All of this wouldn't be of paramount concern to me if I were just to think of myself as an older man closer to his way out of life than just beginning it but I am not cut from that cloth. I am a fighter and a realist. I see the trumps and their disgraceful acquisition of power and how they govern with an air of illusory superiority. They will have our nation for themselves and if so we won't have anyone to blame but ourselves. We must use every legal and logical way to confront the trumps and then when and if the time comes where we must choose to serve trump or defy him we must then fight for our very breath. It doesn't have to come to survival of the democracy we have endeared to ourselves for over 230 years but if so we will have to choose whether to be patriots to democracy or cowered to trump.

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