Wednesday, May 15, 2019

We cannot let trump start a war! (#3757)

     The liar in chief has us at the edge of a war with Iran and we cannot allow him to push us further toward it. War is the last resort when the eradication of a regime is the only answer. Not some made up scenario like republicans pulled in Iraq in 2003. This would be even worse because Iran didn't do anything to provoke this, trump's administration did all the provoking. We cannot allow this thief of our presidency to deliberately stumble us into a conflict where there will never be a clear winner nor a positive outcome. The only ones who will profit off a war like this are the munitions makers whom surely are egging this idiot president on to start a war.
     The thing about our endless cycle of wars is that we will never be able to address poverty which is one of the main causes of poverty so republicans want to keep war in place for their own benefit so starting another war is good business for them. This all has to stop and whatever it takes to stop the madmen who keep putting our citizens up for cannon fodder must be done. If somehow we are able to stay out of a war until the next election then we can stop them with the our votes but if not then the powers that be must find a way to dissuade any further aggression on the part of the trumps. Whatever that takes is what is needed however difficult or imaginative.
     War is the scourge of enlightenment and is the main reason we have such horrible living conditions throughout most of the world. If we can stop the madmen from their blood lust we then can look inwards to our own problems and then begin to spend there instead of outside making the military industrial complex our chief financial beneficiary. The ending of wars is how we modernize the whole of our world and until we end our wars the modernization process only helps those with the most resources, such as the wealthy. There is a time for war when no other avenue will lead to peace but these made up controversies are not it. War is death and if we allow trump to war then we are setting up our own and our children's deaths.

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