Thursday, May 30, 2019

Plain speak only please (#3772)

     The time for being ironical, metaphoric, sarcastic, and paradoxical has passed. We are not dealing with an intelligent form of life in our national government so let's not muddy the waters with our ability to be witty. It is time for straight talk with clear and definite messaging. Back to basics with a yes or a no as a starting point and then further explanation as needed. Blunt and to the point in all ways as to leave no other interpretation as to our meanings. The need for precision here is because the trumps and their enablers are in the wrong and need to be put right without a doubt as to the putting right.
     The only way we are going to beat a misinformation campaign is to not allow for disinformation to come from our own words and thoughts. The only way that will happen is if we are absolute in our words and meanings. We cannot allow the trumps to propagandize our words through our own inability to be clear. If trumps had to tell the truth about what they are doing it would be the end of them so we must tell the world about what the trumps are doing with facts and truths. If trumps choose to call facts and truths another name like alternative facts and truths then we have them where we want them. Them having to defend their words instead of attacking ours. On our part all we have to do is cite our references and let the logic speak for itself.
     By speaking plainly we also let in all who hear our words because even the less educated among us are able to converse on basic levels. That is how we will defeat republicans who continue to keep us poor and uneducated. Our own language must show where we stand and how much better life could be through examples. We have to connect with everyone on the most common of subjects in order to win their minds and hearts. By speaking plainly we make sure that our message is clear and the need for it to happen, a must.

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