Sunday, May 19, 2019

While America burns, trump fiddles... (#3761)

     This is happening before our eyes and trump's base is playing the background music for him. How is it that too many Americans are nonchalant about the coming destruction of our nation? I suppose many of them are waiting to be raptured into their fairy tale myth and could care less if the rest of us sinners are left in a wasteland. I suppose many others of them don't believe evidence and truths, facts and common sense when it comes to logic. I also suppose that many of them believe they are invincible and that at any time some miraculous solution will come to them at the last minute. But my guess is that too many of them just don't care and as long as their lives are somewhat normal they are beyond anything else happening around them.
   How is it that our nation is so full of dummies, denialists, and psychopaths that being normal and using our reasoning powers is now considered a fault? When our children have grown up without having to actually sacrifice for anything is how. A nation full of privileged and advantaged who now see the world through the narrow view of elitism. I see this almost everywhere as the wealthy wall themselves off from the rest of us. Their ideal of life consists of the bottom line, not the value of character. That they actually got power is deflating until we realize that they manipulated an outcome for themselves.
     Well we the majority who are not them can manipulate a power grab ourselves and all we have to do is wake up and see reality for what it is. We can either go back to sleep and not vote or we can shrug our shoulders and say I don't care or we can get angry at the republican trumps and vote them all out of office. I suggest we do the voting them all out of office option if we want any chance at salvaging what was once the greatest democracy on Earth. It is up to us to stop the burning down of our nation and it's laws based upon equality, justice, and fairness. The trumps may be serenely oblivious to the searing reality but the rest of us who struggle to make ends meet are not so inclined toward that scathing end. We care about our nation and it's future in the world so hop on board our democratic blue wave and let's put that republican trump fire out!

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