Friday, May 17, 2019

The true nature of trump emerged, his bullying cowardice! (#3759)

     The appointed bully in chief just blinked, again. He tries to rattle a sabre at Iran and then backs off when the escalation toward war gets real. We should all know that the bone spur appointed president doesn't want to fight he just wants to bully. It is his modus operandi. Throughout his life he has been calling bluffs on weaker people and getting his way because it is how he is built. He doesn't know any other way, like being informed and winning debates through facts and truths. He is a lazy incompetent libertine who applies his traits to all walks of life.
     That someone else or more didn't actually have to stop the incompetent one is at least good news about a situation that never had to be. Finding silver linings in failed motivations by this cad trump is all we can hope for in the next 18 months. Remember his bluster is just that, hot wind that has no value other than a negative one. Which should make our blue wave even stronger when the time comes to get on our boards and ride it. How anyone can actually support this stench ridden straw man is only supported by the racism and sexism he employs to his cult's rotten core. Besides the waste that is trump that we have to cleanse our system of is the cult he has exposed as his base. That may take longer than an election to solve but it is a problem that needs the white hot heat of attention sooner than later.
     Just 2 days ago my blog post was about how we need to stop the appointed trump from starting an unnecessary war and it now appears that the appointed trump has stopped himself. Much ado about nothing it seems yet that is the epitome of what trump is and will ever be. A miserable clod who is in the dark and cannot find his way in a world of intelligence and wisdom. No flashlight will help him since he cannot understand that which is beyond his capacity to contemplate. So what next is coming from the irrational devoid of compassion mind of trump? Stay tuned because he loves playing at screwing our lives!

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