Thursday, May 16, 2019

trump immigration plan like trump health care plan, just kill us all! (#3758)

     What we know about trump and his plans for America are that he doesn't care about us. So labeling something a plan for America is not about a plan for America, it is about him not caring about America. Yet his base will soak up any and all little nuances of his "plan" and call it all good. That we live in a nation where nothing trump does is critical enough for us to throw him out of our White House on his ear is amazing to me. Because all he does is disrespect and dishonor everything he touches. But since he claims he is a Christian and a great businessman he gets a pass from more than one third of our voting public.
     Nothing about trump is honorable and his disdain for all that helps the working middle poor class is plenty enough to end his current reign in 2020. Yet the verdict isn't clear is it? We know we will have a blue wave election this coming election but will it be a whimper or a roar of one? I suppose logically that it will be a roaring one but logic isn't the strong suit of the American electorate. It is quite embarrassing that our nation suffers from intellectual curiosity while thinking we are invincible. I am part of this problem although I am not a suffering fool I am not able to convince enough folks that we are about to be disemboweled by a maniac who would be king.
     That I am older and closer to death now than I am to when I was born makes me want to try all the more harder to rectify this current sewage infested political paradigm. I have little to lose at all since the best part of my life has already been lived. So I can stand tall and rail against injustice and inequality with impunity. I hate that we are such losers here in America when it comes to participating in our own governance. 46.9% of we eligible voters didn't even bother to vote in the 2016 election and now we have a wannabe dictator for an appointed president. No matter what this appointed republican fraud plans for us it will be a harsh brutal reality and for that he will smile and pat himself on the back.

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