Sunday, May 12, 2019

Never surrender to trumps (#3754)

     That the trumps are trying like hell to make us all weary from their constant onslaught of bullshit is clear. Even I feel the weariness of it yet I am not ever going to quit throwing it right back at them. I can rest when we have them out of office and rightfully in prison. They may think that they know us as weaklings who will quit when the going gets tough but what they don't know is that we are stronger than they are. Even though sometimes it feels like there is never going to be an end to it. Our human legacy is to endure and though the trumps may think they know what endurance is they have no clue because they have not been the downtrodden like we have and come out of it even stronger.
     As privileged and advantaged that the trumps have been they don't know what it is like to be a poverty's door with no way out and still fight to find a way. They don't know what it is like to be so full of despair that our mind and bodies ached from the reality of it. They don't know what it is like to survive when it would have been so easy to quit and be done with it. They don't know what it is like to lose everything, even the shirts off our backs and still find a way to rebuild. They don't know what it is like to see desperation in our children's eyes and how that could either destroy us or solidify our resolve to cure it. The trumps have no clue as to who we are and for that they will pay a price for their arrogance and cruelty.
     The trumps are no different than the past brutal psychopaths who underestimated those they thought they ruled. Not only that but to think that they could rule us here in the greatest democracy that history has ever recorded is more evidence of their inability to see reality for what it is. The trumps era of bullying will come to and end whether they accept it or not. They will fight to keep their power beyond what our constitution allows but it will be of no consequence. They will be ousted when that time after November 3rd. 2020 comes whether they accept it or not. Others and myself will make sure that the vote we have and make is counted far above the chaos that trumps will employ when the end of them comes.

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