Wednesday, May 29, 2019

We all must protect the safety of our human race! (#3771)

     There is no division when it comes to being human. We are all human therefore there should be no division. So all this grumbling and hatred about our different human expressions and appearances is just stupidity gone amok! We are not all cut like a cookie in the same shape, color or size. We are varied which makes our species human so amazing. It is an honor to be part of a species that has not only evolved into a magnificent example of awareness and intelligence but one which has the capacity to form relationships that bond with each other.
     All this to say that since I have no children of my own, I see myself as responsible in any way I may be able to for all the children that live. I see myself as responsible in any way I may for all the adults that live. Now reality tells me I cannot care for all nor have I the utility to do so. Yet despite that it is still my goal because we are all of the same family. I have a duty to my whole family to try to help where I can and at least care when I can't help. This is my view of the world we live in and it absolutely doesn't stop at the human species. All the "lesser" animals in our existence get my care as well as best I can.
     Because life in whatever shape or form should have a time span that isn't marked by the worst of what we humans have been in antiquity. Our human species had to forge a life on Earth that often went against our hearts and minds yet due to survival instincts of no low importance we endured through our worst natures. But those days are not who we are now. We humans have mastered our surroundings from most all of nature's misfortunes so our evolution toward civilized living has become common. This is who we are now, an enlightened species who would rather learn of what we don't know than live under an illusion about what scares us most. The human species is my family, all that we are in our differences and sameness notwithstanding, instead because of it.

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