Monday, May 6, 2019

Under trump, depravity in America rises (#3748)

     The perverted and sordid nature of the trump administration along with his republican cohorts in congress has been on an upswing since his first day in office. This cad who is pretending to be a leader has brought our nation to its knees with his continuing onslaught against our working middle poor class. He boasts of his economy yet his economy is just the continuation of the great job President Obama formulated. To keep up appearances trump has increased our national debt in order to hide the fact that his economy in only prioritized to increase wealth for the wealthiest among us.
    So the rest of us can work but only at jobs that do not cover quality of life living. The struggle the many of us have to make ends meet on very little gets harder and harder each passing day under the trumps. Outside of the work that is available at minimal wages, the trumps are destroying every program aimed at cleaning up our environment. Because as he has said many times that regulations intended to protect life are subservient to wealth accumulation, so clean air, water, food and land are unimportant when a buck can be made.
     What is most pervasive in the trump campaign to destroy our nurture is the destruction of health care. The trumps are dead set to end health care for the many while turning a nice profit for the private insurance industry. The idea that the health of our nation is unimportant and that death caused by a lack of health care is the fault of the dying is cruel, brutish and inhumane. This guy trump is no leader he is the epitome of an angel of death who is legally protected to carry out his gruesome tasks. The end of trump is not enough for what ails our nation, the end of the republican party on whole is what is needed to exterminate the vileness that their depravity instills.

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