Friday, May 31, 2019

Don't admit you are ignorant but still enjoy the bliss (#3773)

     The one advantage to being ignorant is that you can pretend that all is good. I suppose it isn't the worst way to live. The world is troubled with many problems but if you just don't care and want to be happy all the time stay ignorant to the problems and pretend they don't exist. Or if that isn't your cup of tea then find religion so that you can blame god for all that isn't great and then never give any problem another thought. Either way, ignorance is a value when intelligence and knowledge make your head hurt.
     Now you are not supposed to admit you would rather be ignorant than intelligently inclined so that you don't offend others who may be more sensible about their outlooks on life. So there is a finessing of reality that you must do to hide your attraction to ignorance. But like all things in life why not juggle your ignorance and hope for the best? Because the real problems in life are not easy and require considerations that must be weighed against logic. I know, your head is starting to hurt just when I got done typing the word logic. But let a little pain in and try to move past the word and find its meaning. Logic is just an outcome to anything that is correct and sensical. Well accomplished and possibly happy as well.
     But then your happiness is interrupted because of the seriousness of the truths and facts. Well happiness is important so there's the rub. Happiness or a more serious reality. Ignorance is the path to happiness regardless of the outcome because being numb to reality allows for a vacuum and filling that vacuum with whatever you want is desirable. But consider this, even in serious understandings happiness can be found many times because of the positive outlook one chooses to hold. Being optimistic while not being ignorant is a path to happiness and by the way, one I choose for myself.

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