Monday, September 2, 2019

428 days left of trump and mcconnell (#3867)

     As each new month arrives naturally there are less days left of trump and his evil metaphorical twin mcconnell. Yet we know it won't be easy getting both of them out. The polling for each is terrible for them now but as election day comes they both have the ability to rally through whatever underhanded possibility it takes. So although I am happy for what I perceive is a dawning new day in America on November 4th, I am also aware that for that vision to come true we all must never stop in our relentless efforts to do all we can to end them. There can be no break between now and election day for any of us and I won't listen to the quitting excuses that say I am tired and this is hard.
     Nothing in life is worth having or doing unless there has been a heavy price paid for it. Our founders paid for our liberty and just now trump/mcconnell want to take it away. We pay a price for our own personal successes in life and trump/mcconnell want to take those away as well. So no excuses about our vigilance to defeat trumps and all his knee bending cowards who follow them. 428 days may seem like an eternity to have to fight when each day is such a struggle but I can attest that I have been fighting trump from his first appointment to the presidency and for the difference to be only little more than 400 days is like the end is so near for me.
     I feel like I am getting my second or third breath in a long run and although the side aches were painful I keep running and now as the finish line is much closer than the starting line I am rejuvenated with an exhilaration that can only come from the process of a long battle fought and won. Again, I know we haven't won anything yet but I am fighting and not dying so that to me is enough of a victory to tell me my fight against trump/mcconnell, as our fight against trump/mcconnell is going well enough to give us all some confidence that we will endure if we remain relentless. 428 days of hell left before we can rid ourselves of the greatest threat to our modern democracy we have ever faced. Go us!

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