Friday, September 13, 2019

You can lead a horse to water but... (#3878)

     You can tell republican voters the best of what democrats have to offer but you can't make them understand the value of it. In fact it seems that you can't even get them to understand what value actually means. I don't get them other than to think they don't care and are just happy enough in their lives to not care about anyone else. It baffles me that they have no consideration for objectivity. In other words they won't listen to both sides of the question and then form a logical conclusion. They just won't. So here we are with a conundrum, how to teach what is basic and simple to those who will not listen.
     I don't know how we got here when all of us have free will, and choices that are real and our own. So how is it that so many are unable to free themselves from their perceived bondages? They have chosen a lifestyle that has no compromises to it and it alone is all that others should do as well. My way or the highway regardless of the incompetence and irrationality of it. I sometimes wonder what millennium we are living in. Is this still the dark ages of the 8th century where superstition and oppressive rule are the paradigms or are we in the 21st century where enlightenment and the thirst for knowledge is bountiful?
     All I know for sure is that there are forces and they are in the republican party that don't want a modern society. They are laser focused on having a society that is beholden to them and their creed. They do not want for us to have the kind of knowledge that sets us all free from absurdity, instead they want us unfocused and on our knees for their handouts. I will not live like that when the fighting time is now for us to save our democracy. I would rather not live in a world where the republicans have free reign to take our freedom for their own gain. If I were being led to the water of knowledge you can bet I would drink heavily of it.

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