Saturday, September 14, 2019

Keep wrongly arguing to keep your assault rifles (#3879)

     When I see someone who continues to argue that they deserve to have their assault rifles after so many people keep dying from assault rifles it rankles me to no end. I get that they think they need to have high power shooting rights but we don't live in a war zone. However with the high powered assault rifles assimilating everywhere into our society maybe the war zone concept will be with us shortly. So keep arguing and threatening to keep your assault rifles while innocent children and adults keep dying for your lust.
     I can't think of another word to describe the need to have an assault rifle unless one is in the military and engaged in enemy conflict. Lust, the desire that overrules common sense and dismisses tragedy as just a by product of a suspicious right of demand. Join the military and volunteer to fight in order to have a just reason for a killing machine. I mean come on what the hell is wrong with you if you cannot see that the death of children is greater than a lust for a hunk of killing metal? It is so childish and arrogant of the selfish to dismiss the continuing deaths as "not my problem". A byproduct of some imagined convoluted constitutional right from nearly 2 1/2 centuries ago when assault rifles didn't exist.
     How utterly absurd it is that too many democrats along with most all republicans are complicit in keeping weapons of mass destruction flowing through our society. The dearness too may feel toward their death weapon is astonishing to me in that life which is amazing is discounted below that. I am ashamed of my fellow species who cannot grasp that the death machines are a last resort not your greatest love. However the time will come when we all get done with the senseless deaths and we do something about getting the assault rifles off of our streets. Until then you can unequivocally blame yourselves for all the deaths that are surely about to become real.

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