Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Again with compassion and curiosity (#3882)

     This blog came to life for me when I knew that our human nature at it's best was all about compassion and curiosity. We survive because we not only want to live but because we, our species, has a purpose. We want to know while we take care. It is who we are and nothing left in time and space will change that unless we choose to deny our nature and focus instead on what we had to do to survive the early harsh circumstances of our evolution. The myth mores and superstitions of the past prevailed because we were not able to rise above them but now we have and yet the clinging to past remains.
     We are at the jumping off stage of our human evolution with sophisticated logic and science to lead us yet there are those who resist for the sake of fear. Well I wouldn't have thought that a species that fought for millenniums to survive would be afraid of venturing into its continuing future when our past came from the microbe's of first existence. Yet the paradigm of fear has gripped so many that the ability to leap into our future is as if we are cemented into concrete. What will become of us when we stop evolving into what magnificence awaits us?
     There is no witchcraft nor magic that is spellbinding us, it is our own uncertainty to be courageous. So it isn't like we can't overcome the hurdle of fear, it is whether we can muster the momentum to move forward instead of staying static. The inertia of our existence is not going to stop despite whatever we do so following the example of a living Universe should be our common sense goal. Nothing is unique to us as a plateau to remain indefinitely on so up and up an away we should be going. Time will have its say in our species' outcome and the space we take up will likely hinge on our ability to continue to evolve.

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