Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Still medicare for all (#3868)

     I won't stop until we get medicare for all. I know it will take the form of a public option if it is going to succeed and that is fine enough. As long as the private insurers are held to account with strict regulations. I am no purist who thinks things have to be perfectly equal. I want equality that has different forms to achieve the best possible outcome and workers who have insurance through their companies need to be able to keep that if that is their desire. We can make it work with a mixture of public and private insurance as most developed nations already do.
     The goal is to cover everyone not to make everyone accept one plan. The sooner we get to doing just that the sooner the health of our nation will improve. Health care is but one area where we need to provide universal coverage. Education and housing are critical paradigms that need addressing as well as fair pay for fair work. But we must start at health care because we are already far down the road with the advent of Obamacare pushing us toward universal coverage. What must happen next is to vote out republicans en masse so that we democrats can control the narrative and the power to implement the necessary changes to Obamacare to keep moving forward to universal coverage.
     In less than 428 days we will get to vote again and it is at that time that we democrats are best situated to change the course of our nation away from the greedy dirty profiteer republicans. The trumps and their allies are all sitting ducks for us if we show up at the polls and vote. I am confident that with the anger that is built up because of republicans causing so much damage to our people and our society that at least 70% of our eligible voters will vote this time. If it does happen at the 70% rate then we will swamp the republicans with our blue wave election and they will no longer have any majority in Congress or the Executive branch. We will deal with the majority republican Supreme Court when that time comes.

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