Friday, September 20, 2019

Climate change rally today (#3885)

     Greta Thunberg is leading a climate action day today in DC to give voice to saving our planet. This is not a drill it is the real deal if we want a planet that is sustainable for human and otherwise life. The fact of greenhouse gases that are man made is indisputable yet republicans dispute that. Not because of reasoned science but because they don't want to admit it and it would make them poorer. They have donors who have vast resources of carbon based energy and they don't want to negate any of it. So instead of doing the correct thing and reducing their dirty energy and transitioning over to green energy they are denying that climate change is real.
     I suppose greed and power can make people do illogical things but the cost of this illogical thing by republicans is species extinction. How on Earth can republicans be so callous? Well greed like any addiction can make a sensibly reliable person into a devious conniving one. Yet those who enable them are not struck with power or greed. So why do they enable them? Because they are loyal to a political party come hell or high water. Which is a nice segue since high water is a direct effect of global climate disaster from man made causes. Those humans who fight to deny climate change are really confounding to me. They have everything to gain from green energy since they are not the owners of dirty energy, yet they refuse to help themselves.
     I will be at our state capitol today to lend support to the ideal that facts in reality are what we must defend especially facts that expose a clear and present danger to our existence. The Universe will go on without us so unless we help ourselves we may well be doomed. The time for inaction is over and any false hope that a miracle will occur to save us is absurd. Space and time are harsh so thinking they are not is denial. We have to care for ourselves and we can do that with all the emerging green solutions. Today our children will lead the way and if we adults are as smart as we think we are then we will get out of their way and let them design their futures without planet destroying dirty energy and greedy power grubbing republicans.

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