Saturday, September 21, 2019

No president is above the law, None! (#3886)

     It seems that the weakness and cowardice of the republicans who control the Senate and Supreme Court is not allowing us to charge and convict trump of his multiple crimes. Yes crimes because the evidence is overwhelming. Shucking off the responsibility by republican leaders is as despicable as it gets when the ruling party will not enforce the very constitution that put them into power. But choose to instead interpret clauses and laws favorably toward trump. I know they don't want to create even more chaos in their long term plan to end our democracy but this is the end of them or it should be when election time comes.
     Then after we get the collaborator republicans out of office we can hold them accountable for their obstruction and lack of moral, legal, ethical, and political duty, to protect the integrity of the office of the Presidency. The end of them in no uncertain terms according to their crimes is mandatory. There cannot be any mercy on these souls who do the dirty work of undermining our constitution while telling us that they are unaware of any trump malfeasance. The audacity it takes to play dumb when they have spent the rest of their time telling us how smart they are and that we need to sit down and shut up so that they can think for us.
     Our democratically controlled House cannot waste a second in hitting back at republicans with the worst we can summon to our response to them. There can be no second guessing or hedging on striking hard and fast with all our might. No mercy means no mercy and I don't care how amiable they are when they interact with us or the public. Their deeds behind closed doors and often in the open are not to be borne with any amelioration. I don't care if trump thinks he is a god or not, he is not above the law and if the republicans, who are in control now will not defend the laws of our country, then they themselves are as guilty through obstruction as the weasel trump and should bear the same punishment he is due.

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