Thursday, September 5, 2019

The racket of belief systems (#3870)

     Once again I will cause suffering and angst to those who swear by the belief system they hold as true. Even though there are hundreds of belief systems held by others as true. So it goes with this subject. A belief system is a hoped for reality that has no scientific fact or logic to it other than as a possible theory. But like all theories it is not provable. Now those who apply faith to their belief system argue that faith is all the necessary proof they need. Yet in a logical argument for or against some paradigm, truths and facts are more important than faith.
     Beyond all that though is the actual living under a belief system that supposes a greater moral life. What we actually find is that morality is not the goal of religion instead the goal is subservience. I know that one hurt but just listen for a moment. There are usually books that are associated with each religion and in these books are some infallible process for living in reality and then in eternity. Yet the guidelines are varied and often contradictory. Then when we question these contradictions we are told of some understandings being greater than our own ability to know and that we need to just follow what the belief systems leaders describe as the solution and be accepting. Like I said, subservience.
     Most all religions that have ever been devised by men, and I actually mean men because it has been we men who create them, rely on a voluntary giving that is couched in a mandatory way. So much so that one can be denied acceptance into the belief system for not contributing an agreeable share of their resources; thus the racket part. I am no moral or ethical giant in life but I do see a con when it comes about and there has been no belief system in my understanding that rises above a con game. Those who manage the con are the ones who most benefit from it. Now if a belief system had leaders who were constantly impoverished for their efforts then the belief system would show more heart than greed and would have at least a chance of being more than just a con!

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