Monday, September 30, 2019

If Kentucky doesn't vote mcconnell out there is no hope for Kentucky (#3895)

     Back in the day there was some prestige having a politician in a high ranking position in government. States who did had better chances of getting appropriations to help their citizenry. But as we see now there is no more "pork barrel" politics. So the advantage of having a politician in a powerful position has been substantially muted. Yet that same politician can now line his own pockets much more easily because of the nuances of dark money from wealthy donors. So what Kentucky would like to think is that having republican mcconnell as the senate leader is somehow a boon to them but, in reality it isn't any longer.
     In fact, since mcconnell has not done anything much to help his hurting constituents except to bring in a Russian commercial business with Russians controlling profits, the logic of keeping him is not sound. Kentucky is one of the worst states with poverty yet mcconnell does nothing to alleviate that immediate effect. He has not brought up any bills already passed by the House for the Senate to vote on that would bring health care, food stamps and a raising of the federal minimum wage to his desperate lower income constituents. So why anyone who wasn't wealthy in Kentucky who would put their own struggling existence behind some illogical loyalty to a man who has become wealthy as their senator is beyond me and the rest of America.
     So when the election comes about on November 3rd. 2020 it would be a travesty if the highly qualified democratic opponent of mcconnell isn't elected to that senate seat. Besides all the condescension from mcconnell he is tied at the hip to the racist misogynist bully trump. We know that trump is tyrannical in nature and that same tyrannical trait can be seen in mcconnell. As well as the ties to Russia that can hardly be denied given the financial and political ties already in evidence between mcconnell and the Russian effort to cause upheaval to our precarious democracy. I expect that mcconnell will be defeated but my expectation is based upon logic and not the past reality of Kentuckians voting against their own best interests.

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