Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The despicable privilege of republicanism (#3883)

     The republicans are the ones who say "do as I say and not as I do". An elitism that has an arrogance about it that sucks the life right out of anyone who comes in contact with them. Their advantage and privilege notwithstanding are sacred yet any of us who are not republicans are looked upon by them with condescension. There is a sickness to them and their outlook on life that cannot be ignored. They rail against immorality and yet suckle at it's breast in their hidden closets. The hypocrisy it must take, to set oneself up as a shining example for nefarious purposes when in reality the scourge of debasement is their truth, has to be incredulous even to them.
     Much like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, republicans want us all in blinders and fetters so that we are shielded from reality. That way they can expand their own lusts while claiming to be magnificent with no one the wiser. If there has ever been a political party like republicans that had not turned against the citizenry they were supposed to represent I don't know of such. These republicans of our time are the least educated in enlightenment that has ever been in charge of our government. Their manifesto regards science, common sense and logic as irrelevant to their goal of profit and power.
     They have drunk the elixir of an illusory godhood and it has gone straight to the spot where their hearts should have been. They care not a whit about all of life only their own. Yet they have convinced enough souls who are beholden to them that they are not a serious evil. They do maintain that tough love is their byproduct but what they don't say is that their tough love is strategically aimed at those who are not deserving of being punished. They rely on prejudice and bias to form their repressions and for all intents and purposes they are just dodgy enough to pull it off. Yet we who see through them because we want democracy for all will not let them advance if it is the last thing we ever do in life.

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