Sunday, September 1, 2019

Drive a stake into the heart of the republican party! (#3866)

     If it isn't Russia being allowed to hack into our elections then it is crazy people who are spurred on by trump being allowed to load up on weapons and ammunition to shoot up our society. This is what the republican party is all about. They don't care about anything other than money and power. Well as we have seen also they care about lust as well. How this political party can be allowed to continue to hold public power is insanity! They must all be voted out of office and then charged for whatever crimes can be proven against them!
     Every day it seems we get some new information about how foreign entities are infiltrating our voting systems, yet republicans do nothing. The republican controlled Senate has numerous vote protecting bills sent to them by the House and yet they do nothing. Every day it seems we see another mass shooting by the unstable right wing controlled by white male republicans. The republican party tries to blame it on Obama or video games or the gay community, but not on the easy access to these weapons and ammunition. It is easier to get a weapon of mass destruction than it is to get a lawn dart. The republican party is responsible for the doing nothing part and we should punish them at the voting booth.
     Another paradigm that republicans try to claim moral high ground over is sex addiction, yet it seems that every day there is another republican who has been caught in the web of illegal sexual engagement. They run for office on being wholesome while they live a lecherous lifestyle. There is nothing wholesome about the republican party. Instead they are mostly borderline or more, cruel and brutish. They are not a shining example instead they are what actually ails our society. Until we let go of the vice of republicanism there will be no shortage of election interference, mass societal shootings, nor will our children and young adults be free from the sex addicts in the republican party.

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