Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We need to get our vote out! (#3876)

     If I were advising anyone in our democratic party it would be to highlight that nothing will change unless we vote. Not only that it will get worse. So it isn't so much about what we want to offer the electorate as a vision as it is about mobilizing our democratic voters to get to the polls. Every cent spent on getting people to the polls is of such a great value. Relying on our voters to understand the nuances of our policies will always be moot if we don't get them to the polls. Outreach is the key and then making a plan for voting is next.
     As we saw yesterday, our voters didn't come out and do us any favors in North Carolina. This should be a huge wake up call. We need to make sure that our voters are voting more so than spending capital elsewhere on messaging. All the messaging in the world will not get on person physically to the polls. Most all we democrats don't need to be convinced that we should vote for democratic candidates. That is already established. the hard part is getting our democratic voters to actually vote. So that should be our number 1, 2, 3, etc... priority.
     The vote in 2020 is so crucial to not only ending the reign of terror from trump and republicans but to establishing the boundaries for our next 10 years of representative districts. The end of gerrymandering will finally make our voices heard with representation. I am so full of optimism for our species but if we don't do what we need to do we won't achieve even basic advances. Get our voters to the polls no matter how we have to organize it. Whether it is helping them set up mail in ballots or actually making appointments with them to take them to vote. Whatever we have to do and there should be no cost too great to spend to do it!

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