Tuesday, October 1, 2019

399 days until the next election (#3896)

     I am not sure how the impeachment of trump will turn out but I know that the next election is closer to being. Whether trump is on the ticket or not it is still our best chance of changing the "leadership" in both the executive branch and the Senate. We will keep the House because there is no desire for a republican led House of any honorable repute. Of course I am hopeful that both trump and pence are brought down to their criminal levels through impeachment but in lieu of that the changing of our American dirty diapers is coming.
     399 days is now bringing us to within a little over a month of being less than a year. I am profoundly happy that I have survived this long to savor the countdown toward the end of trump and his ill manned cabinet. The end of mcconnell is another savory moment that I am hopeful to enjoy. Both have been a shit stain on our American reputation of welcoming and caring for those whose dreams of freedom bring them to us. The damage trump and mcconnell have wreaked is not insurmountable to repair once we have put them both out for their deserves.
     In 399 days there will be a celebration of such a magnitude that nothing in my lifetime will compare. I am absolutely certain that trump and hopefully mcconnell will be done forever more from dishonoring our American way of life and ideals. The sober reality of how important it is for all of us to participate in our own democracy will never be more clear and should be part of the process that kicks trump and his republican acolytes hard at the voting booth. It would not surprise me to see more than 70% of our voting electorate participate this time and without voter tampering and suppression by republicans should build our blue tsunami to such a height as to crush the republican party for generations to come.

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