Monday, October 14, 2019

All the bad apples in one basket (#3909)

     Still looking for a silver lining in all this trump era? Well that he could only hire the worst of people to fill his cabinet and advisory roles gives us an opportunity to end them all when trump goes down. They are all complicit in some form or other so catching them all up and serving them their just punishments will be a moment of closure for us. That trump will be ended is inevitable and his filth in human form will go with him. Purging our politics of the stench of ignorance and treachery will only make us stronger and put into place the type courageous patriots who uphold our laws and constitution before all else.
     The day is coming where the electoral college is no more, citizens united is no more, prohibitions on voting are dismantled and are no more, where women will be paid equally for the same work as men. These are but a few of the changes coming as well as the reversing of the income inequality gap and the raising of the minimum wage with health care for all. The days are bright in our future but we are not there yet. There is much work to be done in order to get there and ending trump and his cabal of sycophants is priority number one.
     If trump survives impeachment then the next best ending for trump will happen on November 3rd. 2020. He has alienated most all Americans in some form or another and him getting a majority of votes or as of now electoral college votes is less probable than not. Yet we can never take a break from working to make sure our votes are cast and counted correctly. We know that republicans have as a strategy to deny voters from voting and not protecting our voting apparatus'. Which makes being diligent on our part to make sure that we all vote and we keep some record of our voting choices. Nothing in the world is more important than this coming election and nothing should keep us from casting our votes for any Democratic candidate running to replace trump.

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