Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Begging for table scraps (#3911)

     I know I have had to go with my "hat in my hand" enough times to know that asking for help when there is a crisis is humiliating but nevertheless necessary. The reason it is necessary is because our society is so top heavy with the resources and capital that those of us on the lower rung of economics are often left with no alternative to accumulate for emergencies. Hell, I barely have enough at the end of each month to keep going, yet the whirligig of life keeps throwing struggles at my feet. So what to do? We have an election coming up in a little over a year and our democratic candidates are showing us whom of them is willing to fight for our revitalization.
     They offer great liberal/progressive policies of equality of opportunity and more economic options to succeed. None of them is running to harm us they just have different visions of what we need and how to attain it. This is the beauty of our democratic party. We are not out to harm the electorate like the republican party is configured. No, we have great visions of tremendous accomplishments that would lift all Americans up, yes even the wealthy whom feel so butthurt over not being able to keep trillions of dollars offshore in banks where no real turnover is available to our American society.
     No one in our current democracy and it's enlightened view of modernization should have to consistently beg for help unless that is there agenda. Most of us who do have to ask for help would rather by far have a pathway to help ourselves. We need to change our philosophy on the intent of society and the machinery to economic freedom for everyone not just for some. We democrats have the best of intentions and although sometimes it is difficult to explain the minutiae of how it works the idea that going to the moon was figured out once that was the plan. We have the same types of challenges with health care and reducing income inequality. Yet those types of challenges are the ones that need to be figured out and we democrats are the party to do it!

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