Thursday, October 3, 2019

Do not debate the unprepared (#3898)

     I used to study my ass off preparing for a debate. What I learned long ago is that I needed to know not only my arguments inside out but also any rebuttal to them, thus the intense preparation. I only debate as a rule subjects that are in my wheelhouse and that way I am well ahead on knowing the arguments for my position. Then it is just understanding the opposition to my positions with logic and common sense. I suppose it is that way for any who would debate me on their positions that oppose mine. Fine I can relate to that since we are both using logic and common sense rules for making our points.
     Yet there are those who do none of this and still want to debate. They take talking points from others and make them their own without justifiably researching them for their validity and truthfulness. These folks I will spend zero time with. They are a waste of any effort to convince through argument of a superior or enlightened reasoning. Reason, analyze, and conclude, this is my equation for coming to rationalize my position on any subject. I am always open to consider concepts I had not previously encountered so that is the importance of debate, not to be right but to be open to any new understanding.
     None of us is all knowing but we can be well informed as to the best possible outcomes. Sure, being confident that a concept is truthful is one thing but proving it through the hard work of dissecting the argument in different ways, and it surviving is the process we have to follow in order to satisfy all participants that what is actually won through any debate was the actual strongest and most survivable outcome. Just saying that something is the best way is not debate, it is just some opinion that has been hijacked from someone else and until it passes the test of provability it is just more noise without structure.

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