Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Policies are the value, not the personality. (#3917)

     I look at the candidates from my democratic party, and there are many, and see not their shape and form but their policies. What do they want for we the working middle poor class? Do they even acknowledge us or are we their entire focus? Most all are in between there somewhere and finding the correct candidate for me will be my goal. I don't include the wealthy within my parameters because let's face it, they have had all the breaks for way too long and nothing more can be done for them without piling on more benefits they don't need and shouldn't have.
     So again, it is the candidates that focus their attention on the plight of the working middle poor that will get all my attention. Do they want a health care system that is either universal or leading to that? Do they want to raise the minimum wage to it's true value? Do they want to repair our infrastructure across the board? Do they want to end political corruption and anti-democratic practices that are now being used? Do they want to take care of our seniors and the young with sensible laws that enhance the last days of our parents and the first days of our children? Do they want to end discrimination and stop all attempts to infiltrate church with state?
     These are but some of the policies that I will investigate in order to properly vet our democratic candidate for the 2020 election. Not only for president but for all congressional, statewide, and local races. They will all be democrats that I vote for because the republican party has shown way too many times that they are not for the working middle poor classes they are for themselves and for their wealthy donors. So even though the noise from broadcast radio, television, and Internet sources will be full of lies and distortions about personalities and behaviors of the candidates I just tune that noise out and stick with the research I do on the policies each of our democratic candidates promote.

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