Friday, October 18, 2019

The republican Frankenstein is going crazy! (#3913)

     This is why no republican knows what to do. Their monster has become self aware and isn't being cozy with his creators. The republican party is so afraid of losing the presidency for decades to come that they will do anything to keep their monster in office. That is why they cannot live in reality and are bent over backwards to do anything to appease trump. So while our reality is continually eroded the republican party has it's eyes closed and is praying to whatever illusion they have for a miracle to happen. Well the only miracle that will happen is for we democrats to crush the republican party at the next election for its own good since it has already spiralled out of control.
     If trump can survive to the next election without short circuiting out beyond denial then we democrats have one focus and that is to vote for every democrat on the ballot and make sure every one of our voters votes! If the trump Frankenstein does go too far off the deep end for even the cowardly republican party then we need to make sure that he is removed from office in the most expeditious way. Either way though the republican party has already dug it's own grave and the only question now is if they need to dig it deeper.
     The whole trump for president fiasco has finally caught up with reality and we see that nothing is off limits or beyond law breaking for trump and his totally disorganized administration. For anyone to even call it a mafia style operation is an insult to the mafia. trump is nothing short of a spoiled brat who thinks he is invincible. So whatever else he does to cause harm and death to people who are not deserving of such must be countered with our all in effort to stop his presidency, immediately and force our constitutional safeguards into play. Nothing about what trump has done as the appointed president can be called honorable and the sooner he is done playing at being king the sooner our world can heal from his destructions.

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