Monday, October 21, 2019

Liberal/progressive here! (#3916)

     If there is one way to define who I am it is through the liberal/progressive moniker. I am conservative in maybe two areas of my life but that has to do with my own personal characteristics and behaviors. For politics there is no conservative vision that excites nor enlightens my imagination, none! I am about what we could be while trying to be better in the present. How anyone could live other than that actually puzzles me. Our species is capable of so much but we seem to want to hinder that capability with a pettiness that is beyond my comprehension. I suppose I wouldn't want to know how that is justified as it is against all that is possible in my own thinking.
     To stoop so low as to even consider not being a forward life affirming being is never going to be an option. So reasons and excuses are nothing but roadblocks to our human manifest destiny. If you, every human alive are not full of being an explorer and discoverer of the unknown then your reason for living is moot to me. Life is a paradigm that should not be wasted being an asshole to people instead it should be a paradigm of wonder and why? I have spent mostly my whole life, except when I was drowning my pitiful self in alcohol, hoping to be part of the greatest vision I could imagine for our species.
     I wanted us to not only go to the moon when I was 13 but to go beyond that to other planets in our solar system and beyond that. I have been stuck with all the other motivated and encouraged baby boom youth who like me were frustrated that republican politics not only wanted to end our dreams of space and time travel but wanted to tamp down that very hope. I suppose the miserableness most of us feel at the waste of a lifetime of inaction toward moving out into the stars has caused many of us to become cynical about life overall. Yet for me, it is being angry at the republican party thieves who actually stole our future from us. My anger is in the form of political activism and if you are like me the end of the republican party is the only way we will ever get what is left of our dreams of exploring and discovering back.

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