Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blue wave tsunami! (#3915)

     I don't care how the bots from the republican party and their Russian associates work to get us divided against each other. I really don't! What I care about is how we react to it. I for one just ignore much of it. That which I don't ignore I think about how we democrats had to put up with the same stuff last time and how it demoralized us not knowing it was a devious strategy by republicans. This time around we won't fall for the bait and instead just keep reminding folks that it is republicans who are tearing our democracy apart and it is we democrats who will stop them. No matter what those bots post about our candidates, I will vote blue no matter whom!
     There is no democrat who is as bad as trump so that is the conclusion of all analysis, dig it? There is no political party that is as bad a republicans so voting for every democrat on the ballot is an upgrade! So all the divisive noise we are going to see and hear between now and the actual voting is just that, noise. I can trust that the truth of things will get out but there will be some who are lured into the net of deception republicans are casting about. All I can say to them is that deep down in your soul and mind you have to know that the republican party quit being about the working middle poor class back when Eisenhower was president.
     Nothing republicans have done since Eisenhower, except nixon's one exception of creating the EPA, has been about the health and welfare of the working middle poor class. Nothing! So as the noise increases from every angle, because if there is one thing republicans have it is money, it is always reassuring to know that their money can only try to influence it cannot force any of us to vote for them. That is why our blue wave tsunami is going to happen because we were fooled just enough back in 2016 but we won't be fooled like that again in 2020. The anti-patriotism of republicans for their voting restrictions and denials to their foreign interventions on their behalf, will not be forgotten on the contrary it is an awakening for we democrats to mobilize like never before in a presidential election.

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