Thursday, October 24, 2019

America's embarrassment continues... (#3919)

     It isn't just trump who by himself embarrasses our nation by the hour, it is his republican stooge party that has elected to Congress some of the most egregious human beings ever brought to birth. The idea of a scruple to them is as foreign as the text of our Constitution. These inhabitants of human flesh are not beings who have better instincts. They are without the basic normalcy the rest of us take for granted. We are often shell shocked when we see them do something that is beyond the pale of reasonableness because we have a hard time believing that they don't possess normal decency.
     Well with yesterday's circus performance by a splinter group of House republicans to "crash" a closed meeting we once again see the privilege they hold for themselves while denying that privilege to those who are not them. Enough of this embarrassing behavior from drunken juvenile like republican hollow men and women. It is really bad enough when, also yesterday, trump goes on the national stage and proclaims that Colorado is building a beautiful border wall when Colorado at its closest point is some 300 miles away from the nearest border with Mexico. I can hardly stand to hear and see about this type of news anymore as the trumps and the bootlickers who follow him are too much arrogant ignorance for me.
     We are 373 days from the next election and if we can just make it that long with the daily bullshit from trump piling up to our collective necks then maybe we will survive this gross failure on our part. We should have been better prepared for the 2016 election but many of us really thought that trump had no chance at all. Well we were proved wrong so this time around we won't be sitting back waiting to win we will be fighting hard for every last second of the voting. trump will be impeached by the House and if the Senate grows some balls and follows through and convicts trump then our time with him will be much shorter than the coming election. Either way he needs to be a footnote in our history as soon as possible or we will end up being a footnote in his historical account.

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