Tuesday, October 15, 2019

America's carpetbagging profiteers need to be stopped! (#3910)

     The only way to stop these opportunists is to vote their politicians out of office. The republican party has enabled them for too long now and at this very moment in time we need to uproot them from our politics. Since I was born under Eisenhower's administration I had no clue at such an early age how good a progressive republican could be and by the time I became aware Kennedy had just been shot and killed and later nixon came onto the scene. Though nixon created the EPA, he was truly a monster on the scale with shrub and now the scourge trump. No republican president, elected or appointed, in my lifetime has been worthy of anything that resembles respect.
     The reason why is because they all have one thing in common since Eisenhower left the presidency and that is to screw the American working middle poor class. Not one republican since has had the welfare and health of the American working middle poor class as a priority. In fact all republicans since Eisenhower have been trying mightily to take away what little welfare and health we have accumulated over time. You can see why republicans have to do everything illegal they can get away with just to secure electoral power in our government. Yet the tipping point has been reached as the republican party no longer tries to hide their nefarious deeds. Instead they flaunt them under the guise of whatever narrative fits best and then sells it to our ever increasingly dumbing down American electorate.
     So in the meantime while we, the working middle poor class Americans are fighting to keep whatever shred of respect and dignity we have the wealthy under republicans continue to steal our ability to be successful at upward economic mobility. The republican party has more money parked offshore sitting in bank accounts growing stale while our national economy is left with much less capital flowing through it. We need to get that banked wealth back into our society so that all the rest of us can work to have a better future. It will happen when we elect democrats to national office in overwhelming numbers because now it the time to take our pent up anger at the despicable republican party and purge our nation of this too long suffering nightmare!

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