Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ending racial prejudice will happen when we let our youth lead our society (#3984)

     Everyone who has a platform for ears to hear should be advocating for the end of racial prejudice. If I could I would make it so difficult for racists to practice or collude in racial prejudice that they would suffer the worst of penalties for it. No reasonable sentence would be harsh enough to convict people of hating other people solely on their skin color. It appalls me to even have to talk about this subject as it is so debasing and ignorant. A modern society does not have this type of problem within it that can be cannot quashed with extreme punishment.
     Which is what our society needs to do to end the vile dividing nature of racial prejudice. What our society also needs to do is to actively engage in our politics. There should be no less than maximum participation in our electoral process. We need to teach civics in our schools year round so that our children our brought up recognizing the value of their vote. The voting age should be lowered to 16 so that our children in school can begin to formulate their best ideas about how our government can better serve society while they are still in school. Children at 16 can already drive our highways and be legally married in most states so the idea that they are not informed enough is a bad opinion.
     We who are older should already know better but it seems that we are still being influenced by old paradigms. Our fears leave us as failures when it comes to discarding old nefarious traditions. Our youth are not as chained to bad choices as we are as the world in front of them is theirs to form and giving them the right to help shape it with some of our best information available in their schools will only make our society grow much more quickly into it's already albeit slowly emerging modernity. There are so many bright caring young people who need to have their hope turn into practice and we who are holding them back should be ashamed for not helping them attain their dreams.

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