Sunday, December 15, 2019

trump isn't the tail that wags the dog, he is the flea that infests both (#3970)

     The American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all is an illusion in the days of trump. There is no American dream, only an American nightmare. Yet as time goes by and the symptoms of the virus become normalized we Americans are losing our minds to the fever. Much like in Great Britain where the too many majority were at ease with a brutish cruel political party in the tories. It is as if the nature of the human being is not striving to be better instead it is falling back into what we should hate most about ourselves, being greedy selfish beings.
     In the context of trump being an agent outside our body it is obvious that he has some ties to humanity but the ties are not humane. Instead they are ties that feed off of humanity like a virus needs a body to attack in order to survive. As the virus trump increases his chances to survive, the human species is made less whole and well. I suppose I should have alluded to trump as being a mosquito who spends its life sucking the blood out of the host human, yet the virus metaphor is much more appropriate. It attacks with a ferocity that belies any remorse or compassion. It has one purpose in life, to destroy all that is in its path.
     Whether you see trump as a flea, mosquito, or virus, it is the effect of all of them that best defines the nature of trump as he sets about to take from our healthy body and leave the waste of his gluttony. The very idea that we would allow this scourge of a human form to stay in office is beyond any reasonable argument. Yet it is the lack of courage from our body politic that has been his foundation. We know trump loses all arguments in the paradigm of democratic rule yet we don't seem to be able to act on the information in a proper human way. Instead we fall into a normalization of his continued bad acts and become immune to his daily despicableness.

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