Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The pied piper trump (#3972)

     The lemmings in the republican party are following their leader right off the cliff of insanity. They have to because they are all in on him. They listened to the music he played and now cannot stop from its siren call. So to expect that republicans have a floor from which they will not go below is naive. They are going to follow the sound of their master no matter what any reality dictates. There a very few republicans who are breaking free from the lethargy of their trance but not enough to even put a dent in the march to the great fall down.
     Even they though are not examples of greatness only of fear for their own. Which is no noble or honorable position. So we who are immune to the greedy racist call that trump is trumpeting must keep our diligence and unending perseverance in denying trump the following he adores. The music he plays is deranged and demented but it feels so right to his ardent followers. They are unable to distinguish facts from fiction when all they ever hear from him is that only he is telling the truth. They have to accept his narrative because he is the only one who justifies their own hatred for others and greed as uncompromising.
     The pied piper trump is heading for the cliff and not even he gets that the great fall is to his doom. He is triumphant in his march and cannot see the end as real. Those of his most precious followers cannot nor will not see the end as well and with trump they will march of the cliff unawares of the grave peril. They are in delirium over their leader and cannot do anything that resembles an honorable stand for their own species. We who are not mesmerized by trump are the only obstacle to becoming his victims so the onus is on us to do all we can to end the reign of trump regardless of what happens to his acolytes. We have to save ourselves and not worry about those who will not save themselves. Such is the era of trump.

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