Saturday, December 21, 2019

The weariness of my mind (#3976)

     It seems unreal to me at times when I cannot even seem to put one word after another in a cogent and thoughtful way. Instead of thinking that I am getting oldtimers or something physically impairing like that I just remember that I am weary of both mind and soul occasionally and it reflects in my ability to be informative and yes, even witty. The last several years have been very hard on me in terms of just trying to keep up with the lunacy and cruelty of trump. Having to digest the illogical nature of the past few years has been pulling me down to a place of bone weariness.
     I am not as young as I was earlier in my life so the fact that I get tired and less able to discern the cutting edge of life is more difficult with the insanity of trump. I do however have a stored bank of information that will never depart my decision making and for that I do applaud the time I took to make myself self aware. Yet, I know I could be doing more to enlighten not only my own mind but to share new information in ways that attracts other learners. My biggest problem is that I am just flat out worn out! I hurt from the physical things in life that keep occuring and from the natural aging process because I fail to address my not being young anymore in my movements and actions.
     Although I am weary and less focused as I would wish to be I am nonetheless convicted as a martyr for a good and respectful democracy. Trudging forward is sometimes all I do, but do I will. Nothing in this life right now is more important than fighting with all I have to end the trump reign, and be part of a new day for American politics. So if you see me failing in areas where I could naturally be passing, then remember to give me a break and hope that I can find some time to recharge my soul back into a tireless relentless warrior for fairness and justice.

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