Wednesday, December 18, 2019

No time for ignorant obnoxious people (#3973)

     The time in my life left for stupid hateful people is over. I will not be told or have demanded of me to be helpful. If someone was hat in hand to come to me and ask a favor then I would be willing to negotiate some response that is helpful, otherwise there is no time left to give. I had in the past been able to be bullied in doing the bidding of the bully through guilt or some other sense of duty. Yet no more. I see that as enabling the bully to keep on bullying for their own sake. No more. When you are a carefree happy go lucky kind of guy that deep down in my soul I am then some of those who know that have a bad tendency to use that to their advantage.
     When I make a decision now I am fully behind it even when it disrupts all that others may deem undisruptable. I make no apologies. In fact when it comes to family there is no delineation as to my principles. What was once family is not anymore because the old saw that blood is thicker than water is loyalty to shared interests not disparate ones. I will never recognize any family member who supports republicans and trump. The line there is drawn in cold hard concrete and will not be crossed until the support for such bad things has been disavowed. I will not compromise on the idea that helping to hurt people is excusable.
     Then there are those whose very being is about being a spoiled child grown into an adult figure whose life is nothing more than superfluously shallow at best, who think they can at their whim cause the actions of others to be theirs. Some are painfully obvious like trump and others are more inconsequential like a family member. Either way neither will prevail with me. I am a grown man given to doing what he sees as correct without demands or unasked for guidance. If others cannot find it within themselves to act within civilized behavior then to dust to them as far as I am concerned, which is no concern at all from me.

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