Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Just another day for this atheist (#3980)

     I wish all of you who celebrate this time of year for whatever purpose a most peaceful experience. Most all of us know that we humans should have many days of quiet reflective reverie. I am one of those who believes that we all deserve a lifetime full of happiness and honor. Yet too many on our planet do not even get a moment of reflective peace and pride in their environment. I do not admonish anyone who is not like me instead I celebrate our differences with as much vigor as I defend my own perspective. Yet only if our differences do not intrude onto one another in the public square.
     I am an atheist because I am one who puts his faith in knowledge and the will to discover the unknown. In all of my lifetime I have not seen the hand of any super being prevailing on our societies with the nurture of a creator. Nor have I seen any human uphold the structure of dogma that they prevail onto others. What I have seen is the attempt by too many to take dogma and pretzel it into a narrative that gives them advantages and privileges. So for me the idea of a religion based upon faith is more to do with control for some less than honorable strategy than it is to do with attaining a spiritual plateau.
     Yet there are some who keep to their religion not as a cudgel but as a salve to strengthen their own resolve. For that I give a thumbs up and recognize that just because I don't hold to their belief they have the right to do so when their faith in some being is not determinative in how my life is fulfilled within our democratic system. My complete embodiment of this physical and soulful state is entwined with what I learn of logic and science and the application thereof of those paradigms. I care for my fellow honorable humans just like anyone else but I don't attribute it to some higher calling. I attribute it to my nature. I am curious and I care. This is who I am and as such will always be who I will be.

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