Sunday, December 1, 2019

We all have a duty to good and those who won't are ripping us apart! (#2956)

     You can tell the good people from the bad people easily enough. Good people work to help make our world better whereas bad people work to make others suffer. There is no mystery here as to what purpose is the most exemplified as to what a human being should strive to achieve. There should be no way anyone profits in our society if they are cheating, lying, and stealing. Even worse if they are colluding with our enemies to subvert our democratic processes. Any time I see anyone trying to make it harder for our citizenry to vote I know they have an ulterior motive. I don't necessarily need to know that motive because it isn't a good one and it should never be allowed to occur.
     When we see wrong being done we stop it, not let it continue until we have all the facts. Wrong is wrong and no amount of persuasion should ever change that. Regardless of income or race, the same rule of law must prevail. Until our society reflects this undying devotion to equality of not only opportunity but of punishment for the same crimes we will not move onward from our teetering democracy. We may be around 240 years old as a democracy but that about 240 years has been difficult and strained in the battle to unseat power that has its roots in privilege and advantage.
     So when a political party like the republican party has a stranglehold on our institutions of government it is our duty to break their grip as nothing republicans do is of service to all Americans. In fact the only thing republicans do is to solidify our power as theirs and help the wealthy turn the working middle poor class into a servitude class with little to no escape. Wrong is wrong and for far too long the republican party has been immersed in their own desires with no respect nor admiration for the hard work of we the backbone of America. Their condescension of the working middle poor class is proof enough that they deserve the backside of our modernity and with nothing less gracious than a boot out the door of progressive enlightenment.

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