Tuesday, December 24, 2019

trump needs to stfu (#3979)

     I am no particular holiday celebrator yet even I enjoy a break from the daily grind. So now when most are partaking of the holiday spirit we still have the loud mouthed appointed president making such ridiculous noises from his innards that most of us cannot enjoy a little bit of quiet. This holiday is purported to represent peace on Earth yet there is no peace with the small minded petulant one being his normal crass and incoherent self. I try to tune out his gravely concerning nonsense but I cannot in good faith to being a warrior for a truthful and rational society tune out his blathering.
     The time isn't quite right yet to be feeling more secure when so much is triggering his incomprehensible behavior. So apparently no rest for those of us who would love some rest. I suppose I do get to find out just how much punishment of his I can take which is some small silver lining but of no good usage for me going forward. Because when the voting time comes this next November 3rd. he will no longer be a source of constant consternation. We will have a president who was actually elected beginning the transition into our, since trump, unholy White House. It will be good to think of our nations house with a bit of reverence again.
     So to think that trump would be quiet for a couple of days while the rest of us recharged our inner batteries was ill fated to begin with. The trumps know no decency nor respect for the nature of our society. They only want what they want when they want it. So staying on track and rebutting the orange colored buffoon is a never ending job for now and getting a little bit of peace will have to wait until he is actually settled dust beneath our feet.

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