Thursday, December 12, 2019

Historic day today (#3967)

     The fact that it is in Britain is besides the point. We Americans seem to think the universe revolves around us but since trump we have been summarily dispossessed of that fantasy. Instead we are witnessing today the course change in world politics as the British people vote for the future of their society. Not only vote but vote in such a heavily participated way. I am one of those who thinks that the heavier the turnout the greater the vote for liberal/progressive ideals. All indications so far this morning have a huge turnout taking place. It seems that the British people will have their say in one very loud voice and that voice is for change at the top of their government.
     This is all premature at the moment as the polls have been suggesting a tory victory albeit a close one but I do not because like so many pollsters they didn't seem to conclude the unbelievable turnout. Like I say, and many before me, when the turnout is light the conservatives usually come out on top. When the turnout is heavy the liberal/progressives usually come out on top. Well so far the turnout is abnormally heavy even for me to have expected and I expected a heavy turnout. So again, like a few days ago I am going against all major polling in England and am predicting a Labour victory.
     I am not prognosticating for some value or recognition, I am prognosticating because down in my soul I know there are more good people in the world than bad people. The will of my soul expects the better of who we humans are to prevail in all ways except that I know that does not always happen. Like what happened here to us with trump. We got the short end of the bettering of our souls and we have for nearly his 4 year term been paying with suffering and demoralization. Which is why I can reasonably say that the British people will return their country to a more sane approach after watching we here in America, and elect leaders who actually care about them and not just themselves and their donors.

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