Friday, December 13, 2019

Prehistoric day yesterday (#3968)

     Well did I get it wrong about how much better the United Kingdom and it's people are than we here in America. With a majority victory yesterday for tories the narrative I had been going with was utterly destroyed. I had assumed rather incorrectly that the British people were better than the low scum of conservative politics. It now appears that the British people are either ignorant to what they are doing or are less humane than normal. I suppose they are less humane as it would be difficult to be ignorant in this age of readily available information.
     For all the time I spent trying to convince the Brits to remain in the European Union, I now see after this election that they really do need to go. Their causes are not aligned with unity, instead they are segregationists who fear the loss of their own perceived identity. Instead of realizing that we recreate our identities every day the Brits have decided that the age old differences of race and class are still the moral high ground for them. It is shocking to me that this is so given that tory politics rewards the wealthy and not the working middle class but then again we have a similar strain of illogical thought here in America.
     The difference is though that we here in America are not to be fooled twice when it comes to having our pockets picked and our human rights stolen from us. We did allow it in 2016 when we were caught napping when we should have been on guard but that was then and this is now. There is no guarantee that trump and his cronies will be defeated come November 3rd. 2020 but the odds of it are better than even he will be run to ground. Unlike with the election in the UK yesterday when a strong majority chose to keep a conman thief and his party in power again. Again is the operative word here and for that the Brits will find that their brand of selfish nationalism will break their better souls hard!

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