Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Impeachment panel round 2 (#3959)

     As the House judiciary committee begins its investigation into the impeachability of trump we get to see a further understanding as to how this has all come about. The witnesses today will testify as to whether impeachment has been reached given the findings of the previous House Intelligence committee. Fact witnesses are being kept from testifying by trump but very shortly we will see if that is reversed in court. The findings of the Intelligence committee came from fact witnesses who all added to the overwhelming evidence that trump did in fact commit an impeachable offense(s).
     The House judiciary committee will lay out the process from which impeachment is determined. The fact that trump violated the constitution in the form of a quid pro quo is indisputable. Now we are being given the reason for triggering impeachment. The logic is sound and impeachment is required. The Senate is playing at politics by making it known that they, the majority republicans, are not going to convict despite not having had a trial yet. A predetermined outcome despite the evidence to the contrary. To say that the republican Senate is objective here is to lie like a liar. The republicans will do all they can to protect the soon to be impeached trump and for that they should find the kind of karma that is fitting their dishonorable behavior.
     This may be the second round but it is really just a hard hitting reminder that trump and republicans have soiled our constitution with their own power and greedy ambitions. If our nation is to survive the likes of these trump republicans then the rule of law must be upheld by those who represent we the people. If not then the alternative is to let our democracy die and give into the narrative that not all are created equal. We will know soon enough how this all plays out but do not be fooled by the lame ass excuses the republican party is throwing out instead of being earnest in rooting out lawlessness regardless of party.

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